2009년 12월 10일 목요일
Movie Report - Smoke Signal
Title of Film: “Smoke Signal” Date: 1998
Director of the film: Chris Eyre
Actors: Adam Beach, Evan Adams, Gary Farmer
Type of Film: Comedy, Drama
Summary and Analysis
There are two guys whose name is victor and Thomas. Thomas’ parents were killed by fire that made by someone when he was young. However, victor’s father rescued him and he could alive at that time. So Thomas always has reverence for Arnold who is victor’s father. However victor’s thought about his father is different. His father always drank and committed domestic violence and just disappeared. So victor does not have good emotion about his father. One day, they heard that Arnold has died in phoenix where he has settled after separating from Victor's mother Arlene. Therefore Victor and Thomas start cross country travel for finding Arnold’s ash. Once they arrived in phoenix and they met Arnold’s friend whose name is Suzie Song, and they hear story about Arnold. The criminal who made the fire in Thomas’ house was Arnold. He were drank and it was mistake. It happened because of fireworks. So Arnold rescued Thomas and he started to be alcoholic and just vanished. Therefore, Victor started to understand his father and Thomas’ unconditional reverence about Arnold.
Related to Case Study
In chapter 10, there are two friend who shocked by racism. In “Smoke Signal” there are two friends who could not understand each other. However, they overcome their problem by having travel and they could understand each other. So I think, Francine and tony also can overcome racism by having kind of activity that can help each other to overcome racism and for understanding more each other. It is wrong just break away to avoid racism. Like Victor and Thomas in the “Smoke Signal”, they should find solution by doing something that can help overcoming their problem.
Reaction to film
I watched this movie very interestingly. It is quite interesting why Arnold did this his family and why he became alcoholic. When they started cross country travel for finding Arnolds ash, it was so impressive. In addition, when Suzie Song told about Arnold, why did he become like that and why did he just disappear. He wanted to be responsible father but he could not stand what he did to Thomas family. I feel pity on Arnold. As Victor could understand his father and Thomas, I think it is most impressive scene in the “Smoke Signal”. It was one of the good movies that I have ever seen.
Ch.10 Case Study Outline
Statement of Problem
- Committing racism by college students
Suggestion of Possible Solution
- Asking help to university police
- Asking help to Dean of University
- Breaking up each other
Evaluation of Possible Solution
- A: It is the best way to stop racism right away
D: Police would not catch students who did racism if they pretend to be they did not.
- A: Dean can make the fastest way to treat them as a higher position of the person.
D: Dean cannot treat that problem directly.
- A: They can stop racism without other help.
D: It is not right way for their relationship.
Selection of a solution
- I would choose asking help for police. It is one of strong way to treat students who committing racism. They would realize what they did and why police officers are looking for them. Also it can affect other students about racism and how it is wrong.
2009년 11월 14일 토요일
Chapter Vocabulary - CH.12
Chapter Vocabulary – Ch.12
Barrier: n. A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to be happened

Depression: n. mental state that when you feel sad and unhappy
ex.) She got depression, because she has broken with her boyfriend.

Stereotype: n. general image which lot of people believe represent particular person or thing
ex.) Do not have stereotype for different kind of people.
Chapter Vocabulary - Ch.4
Chapter Vocabulary – Ch.4

- Annoyance: n. feeling that you can feel when someone makes you unhappy or angry.
ex.) She got annoyance, because of her boss.

- Energetic: a. having lot of enthusiasm and determination
ex.) She is so energetic. I have nerver seen she got exhausted.

Chapter Vocabulary - Ch.3
Chapter Vocabulary - Ch.1

- Complain: v. say about something that you are not satisfied with it.
ex.) He has complains, because his opinion has not been accepted at all. - Morale: n. the amount of confidence and cheerfulness that a group of people have.
ex.) That department is full of morale. They are always energetic. - Interpretation: n. opinion and translation about what it means.

ex.) He needs interpretation, because he does not know speaking french at all.
Movie Report - "Lost In Translation"
Title of Film: Lost In Translation
Director of Film: Sofia Coppola
Actors: Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson
Type of Film: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Summary and Analysis
One day, Bob Harris who is famous actor in America and he comes to Japan for commercial. He meets Charlotte who is wife of photograph. Bob feels boredom in other country and Charlotte feel regret in Japan, because her husband always in his business. One day, they meet each other in the bar in a hotel which they checked in. Charlotte is looking for her place in her life and Bob is concerning about his marriage and his son. They do something memorable in Tokyo and they are starting with love each other. After the Bob’s commercial is done, Bob has to do go back to United States. When Bob is in taxi, he sees charlotte in the street and he gets out of taxi and they meet in the street. Bob kisses her and he whispers something in her ears and Bob leaves.
Relation to Case Study
In case study, Dita felt lonely and depressed in college life. Like Dita, Bob Harris and Charlotte also feel lonely and depressed in Japan. Therefore, when they meet each other, they can overcome depression and they can be lucid in Japan. They felt lonely and depressed when they were alone like Dita. Also, they felt some cultural differences in Tokyo. So I think Dita can overcome difficulties that she got in American college life like Bob and Charlotte did in movie. Dita can find international students or Indonesian friends in her college and she can overcome those difficulties.
Reaction to the Film
I sympathize to Bob and Charlotte in the “Lost In Translation” I have been to India before I came to United States and it was a first time that I have been abroad. I felt lot of difficulties in there because of cultural differences. Therefore I made some of Korean friends and some other foreign friend to overcome lonely and depression. I think this movie show us how the cultural differences affect us in different country and how we can overcome those problems. Making friends is solution that the director suggested and Bob and Charlotte did that and they could be happy in abroad. I really can sympathize on Dita, Bob, and Charlotte. It is hard at first time in abroad. However, I have been thinking that there is way for overcome difficulties definitely during I was watching the “Lost In Translation”
Chpter.3 Case Study Report Outline
Chapter.3 Case Study Report Outline
- Statement of the Problem
- Maria’s roommate had different life style in dormitory and her roommate did some rude behavior without Maria’s permission. - Suggestion of Possible Problems
- Change of dormitory room
- Have conversation and getting solution that both of them can satisfy
- Move to Elena’s apartment
- Evaluation of Possible Solutions
A. She can find more comfortable roommate
D. She has to wait for residence renewal till end of the semester
A. Both of them are can make the best solution that they can satisfy
D. Jenny would refuse conversation with Maria
A. She can find good room immediately
D. She would feel hard to get connection with other people if she moved into off campus
- Selection of a Solution
I would choose move to Elena’s apartment. She can find good condition of room immediately and also she can live with Elena. Also she can make connection with club activity though she moves to off campus. I think finding good condition of room is first thing that she has to do now.
First ten minute of the "National Lampoon's Animal House"
The movie “National Lampoon’s Animal House” was starting with scene of two working men. Their names were Larry and Kent. They were looking for fraternity to join. At first, they went to the omega fraternity. The omega fraternity was for white students and they were usually rich. Members of the omega fraternity did not treat them and the leader of the omega fraternity introduces them to other people who were not normal. Therefore, they went to second fraternity, which name was the delta fraternity and they found fun in there. Members of the Delta fraternity treat them as member of the Delta fraternity. They were so liberal compared to the Omega fraternity and they were fun. They did all the thing that they wanted to in the Delta fraternity.
Chapter.4 Case Study Report Outline
Chapter.4 Case Study Report Outline
- Statement of Problem
- He does not think punctuality is important for his academic work and purpose. He does not even be on time at the meeting with his teacher.
- Suggestion of Possible Solution
- Using watch and set it up five or ten minute earlier.
- Decreasing of time for clubbing and party.
- Warning of Professor.
- Evaluation of Possible Solutions
A. He can be aware that he has to move early.
D. if he knows how many minute is faster than precise time, he can move later as much as he set.
A. He can wake up early in morning.
D. He cannot concentrate on connection with other people.
A. It can be the most effective solution he can be on time. He can realize that his grade will be affected.
D. He can be rebellious against the professor.
- Selection of a Solution
He needs o be the strongest way to change him. He did not change his behavior although he already he late for classes so many time. Therefore, I think that the most effective way is warning of teacher. he would realize that how the punctuality is important after his grade will be affected if he is not being on class on time once again.
Chapter4. Reaction to the Debate Paragraph
Selected Solution: Riding bicycle to prevent tidy on class.
In chapter 4 case study, there is one gut whose name is Rajesh. He always late for his classes and he did not even go his meeting with his teacher on time. He did not have any conception about punctuality for his classes and appointment. Therefore, we got a solution which is riding bicycle for faster moving. But, I do not agree on this solution, because it is not a problem of moving fast or not. The main problem is he does not have any conception about punctuality. In other words, he does not think punctuality is not important. Also he has to use money for new bicycle. I would rather recommend to use watch for being on time. It is more efficient to realize him that he has to move before 10 or 20 minutes for his appointment or class. He should know that he has to move early for being on time and he has to know how punctuality is important in his life.
Chapter.12 Reaction to the Debate Paragraph
Selected Solution: Making Indonesian Friends in her college
In case study, Dita could not adapt in American college life well. Also her roommate was not helpful for her college life. So I agree for making Indonesian friends in her college to not be lonely and she can easily adapt in her college life more easily with her Indonesian friends. Maybe there are some Indonesian friends who already adapted in American college life. So, she can get help from them. She cannot be lonely also she can adjust more easily in American food and can be assimilated in American culture more easily.
Chapter.1 Case Study Report Outline
Chapter.1 Case Study Report Outline
- Statement of Problem
- Lack of participation, Absence of class, Misunderstanding
- She cannot speak English fluently and she does not feel comfortable for listening and participation in class.
- Suggestion of Possible Solutions
- Asking counseling to her professor
- Practice of writing paper and speaking for raising grade
- Getting private tutor
- Evaluation of Possible solutions
A. She can get the best solutions for her academic development
D. She can be depressed if she heard some advices that she have to do
A. She can get good grade on writing and she can be more positive for her class participation
D. She might miss what are some problems that she have to change first for her class
A. She can learn English faster than before and she use proficient English within short term
D. She might spend lot of money for tutor
- Selection of a Solution
I would choose asking counseling to professor if I were may. She can get the best solution if she had conversation with her professor. They can get solutions that both of them can satisfy. In addition they can be closer as they having more conversation.
Chapter. 12 Case Study Report Outline
Chapter 12 Case Study Report Outline
- Statement of Problem
- Adjusting on American College life. She had some problems in college. For example she felt lonely becauses she did not have friends to talk and she feel hard to eat Amercan food.
- Suggestion of Possible Solutions
- Making Indonesian friends
- Join club activity
- Starting to try simple and similar food with Indonesian food to adjust on American food
- Evaluation of Possible Problem
A. She should not be alone and feel lonely
D. It can be distraction to make American friends and practice of speaking English.
A. She can make American friends easily in club activity
D. She would not concentrate on academic purpose
A. She can easily adjust on American food as starting with simple food.
D. It takes lot of time to adapt to American food
- Selection of a Solution
- I would choose to join club activity to make American friends more easily. It could be helpful for speaking English either. Also, she should not feel lonely if she got American friends and it can be good chance to learn American culture from them.
Chapter 9 Case Study Report Outline
1. Statement of the problem
- Temptation of the plagiarism. He committed plagiarism for his fun.
2. Suggestion of possible solutions
- Tell the professor to give one more chance by telling truth.
- Get the information from George and answer professor’s questions
3. Evaluation of possible solutions
- Advantage: He might get new chance for making up the essay with some penalties.
- Disadvantage: He has to spend more time for making up that essay.
- Advantage: He can solve the problem easily
- Disadvantage: He should be insincere to professor.
4. Selection of a solution
- I choose first solution because it is the result that he expected. It is not the problem of fortune. He has to tell the truth professor though he get some penalties for making up essay. It is going to be good for his conscience.
2009년 11월 9일 월요일
Chapter Vocabulary - Ch.9

Irritation : n. annoyance, bothering.
ex.) he got irritation, because of his teacher.

Plagiarize: v. Use or copy other people's work and pretend that it is done by own work.
ex.) He did plagiarize for hanging out with his friends.

- Prestigious: adj. Institution, job, or work that is admired by lot of people.
- ex.) The meeting is for prestigious and rich people.
2009년 11월 8일 일요일
Movie Report "Stand and Delivery"
Director of the film: Ramón Menéndez Date: 1988
Actors: Edward James Olmos, Eliot, Rosanna DeSoto
Genre: Drama
l Summary and Analysis
Jamie Escalante came as a new teacher to high school in Los Angeles. He was supposed to teach computer science but he had to teach math for his new students. However, when he met his student, they were not good and not obedience. Also students did not like him. As he was teaching them math, he found that they had potential on math. Therefore, he decided to let them take AP Calculus exam and planning summer classed for exam. With efforts of Escalante and his students, his students were all passed that exam. However, ETS got suspicion that how they get passed even they were not in good economic status. Therefore, his students got retest and they get passed the test from ETS also they got the original score that they got from AP Calculus exam.
l Reaction to Case Study
This movie and the case study of the unit 1 are about motivation. Both of them deal with what are the ways to give motivation to students and how to get motivation from instructor. In the unit 1, Chang got misunderstood from the professor and the way of giving motivation of the professor was not appropriate. However in the movie, Jamie Escalante chose the best way that can give his student motivation and attitude of the students was changed gradually by Jamie Escalante. Therefore motivation is depend on the instructor and students both of them.
l Reaction to film
In this movie, I was so impressed about the way of teaching of Jamie Escalante and his ability. At first, his students were not obedient, but he did not give up. He tried to give motivation to them with his special way of education. Also I got impressed about his ability that drawing potential of the each of the student. Students in the movie also had good attitude that I can learn from them. They did not give up either and they got the best result at last. It is one of the attitudes that are patient to get motivation. Of course that patient is from Jamie’s way of teaching. This movie makes me think about the case study in unit one. It helps me think about how Chang and professor were wrong and how they can be getting and giving motivation each other. This movie is going to remain in my memory pretty long because I had a teacher when I was in last grade of the elementary school. It makes me remind that teacher and it thought me morals about attitude of the students and teacher.
2009년 11월 2일 월요일
Movie Report - "National Lampoon's Animal House"
Title of film: Animal House date: 2nd of October, 2009
Director of film: John Landis
Actors: John Belushi, Stephen Furst, Tom Hulce
Type of Film: Comedy, Romance
Summary and analysis
In the Faber college, two main character larry and kent were finding fraternity for enjoying college life. They went to the omega frat first, but they were prestigious group and they did not treat them properly. Therefore, they went to the delta fraternity and they enjoyed in there. The delta frat was more liberal and more vivid and more fun. However, Dean Vernon Wormer tried to make conspiracy to ban the delta house from on campus with Greg who was the leader of the omega house. They set them up to get low grade to stamp out them. However, members of the delta house realize they set them up to bad situation, they started to move for revenging. They held toga party and tried to revenge them. Finally, upcoming homecoming day, they ruin parade of the Faber college.
Relation to Case Study
The movie “Animal House” shows what the American college life. They show good and bad aspect of the American college. In chapter 3, the main character Maria feels hard to get adjusted to live with American roommate. The roommate was so liberal like members of the delta fraternity. It might be common to American students, but for her, it is weird to get adjusted into that kind of college life. Those sorts of behaviors were kind of cultural shock to her.
Reaction to film
The movie “Animal House” describes well some aspects of American college life. I feel interested in that film, because it helps me to understand American college life more. It shows me a liberal aspect and conservative aspect. However, I prefer the delta frat which has more liberal atmosphere. It makes me to feel to hanging out with them. The character of the chapter 3, she also can adjust in that kind of college life. However, I agree that the rude behavior like do not respect roommate should be banned in dormitory room for roommate. Dormitory is not for private. When a student has roommate, he or she has to respect lifestyle of their roommate I think. In conclusion, this movie helps to get new perspective about American college life and helps me to change thinking about American college life. I realize that it is quite different with college life in my home country and I feel that I should get adjusted to American college life.